Coffee Grounds in the garden

Coffee Grounds for Plants

Coffee in them Plants!

Success in the garden this week with a lovely Cauliflower coming off plot 2. The same one that I mentioned in a previous post about using coffee grounds directly into the garden.

I’ve found that applying coffee grounds directly into this plot has given me great results, with a delightful Cauliflower that went so well being steamed and then 15 minutes in the oven with melted cheese!

Coffee Grounds for plants

There seems to be good plant health in all the plots, and I’m finding that by using about 1 kilo of coffee grounds per week over both plots is enough. The ground coffee will very quickly break down into the soil and then become available for the plants. One kilo of coffee grounds is several hundred lattés worth, so do the right thing by your garden and community.

Now friends, get some seeds and soil and coffee grounds, some straw, water and sun. Then all you need is time 🙂

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