Coffee Grounds in the garden / Sustainable Living

Some Dos and Don’ts of Worm Farming

Once you’ve become aware of the sheer volume of material we send to landfill day in day out, you soon become wary of throwing anything away, even if it can’t be recycled.

Food waste, for example, generally makes up a large part of what we end up sending to landfill sites. Whilst, we can’t ‘recycle’ food waste as such, we can still find alternate uses for it.

One of the most common solutions amongst the environmentally minded is composting, which sits very well with other sustainable lifestyle choices, such as growing your own food.

Of course, this is all well and good if you actually have a garden, if however, like me, you live in a city apartment, where space is very much at a premium, it’s not a particularly viable option.

vermicast compost wormsHowever, worm farming (or vermiculture as it’s also known) can allow you to make good use of your plate scrapings, and doesn’t take up much space, especially if you go for a mini wormery, which is essentially just a small plastic bin in which your worms will live, with a tap at the bottom so you can drain away the nutrient rich liquid that’s produced.

With this in mind, I purchased myself a worm farm and, for a while, all was well. The inhabitants seemed perfectly happy with their home until, suddenly, a couple of months later I found that, sadly, something had gone wrong, and all the worms had died.

Having learnt some important lessons, I am currently embarking on my second foray into vermiculture. Here are a few dos and don’ts I’ve picked up which you’ll find helpful if you’re thinking of starting a worm farm;


Pay Attention to Temperature and Moisture Levels

Probably the biggest reason for the failure of my first worm warm was that I inadvertently allowed it to dry out. I bought the farm in January when the days where very short and generally overcast, so it didn’t occur to me that where I’d placed it (next to my kitchen bin) might be problematic.

When we had an unexpected burst of bright, hot weather in the spring, it turned out that whilst I was at work, my worms where sat directly in the sunlight coming through my window.

This undoubtedly caused problems as, for one thing, most species of worm you’d use in vermiculture (red worms or tiger worms) will only breed in temperatures between 18-25 degrees Celsius (64-77 degrees Fahrenheit).

By the same token, you shouldn’t overcompensate by watering the farm too much. You’ll know if it’s too wet as it will start to smell and you’ll probably find the food rots quicker.

Use Coffee Grounds

Of all the waste I’ve used in the farm, used coffee grounds have been one of the most successful.

The worms love it as a foodstuff and, as the grounds are wet, they help keep the farm moist. I even found that if I mix things up so that the coffee grounds are a sort of top layer, the worms will eat through the other scraps to get to them quicker.

A bucket of coffee grounds prior to being used...

I have a friend who works in a café near my house who brings me a small bin bags worth of used grounds at the end of every shift, and if you go into your local coffee shop, they’ll usually be willing to let you have used grounds as they will only throw them away otherwise.

This means more landfill dodging!

Use it as a Shredder

paper for worms

I was really pleased to learn that worms will eat small pieces of wetted paper, which is great as, even in this supposedly paperless age we all have documents that we need to dispose of now and again, and throwing them in the recycling can potentially leave you open to identity theft from unscrupulous individuals if they contain personal information.

One more benefit of keeping worms!



This is very tempting, especially when you first get your farm and it is still something of a novelty. Worms can eat over half their body weight in a day, which is pretty impressive, but is no license to go crazy.

a handful of worms in used grounds

Only refresh food supplies once they are running low. Keep an eye on the population, though. If numbers are dwindling it could be that more food is needed.

Use Acidic Foods

I made some freshly squeezed orange juice one morning and assumed the pulp would make a nice, zesty addition to the farm.


Pineapple and its cross section

Worms are not fans of citrus, or even slightly acidic vegetables, such as tomatoes and onions. Pineapple is a killer and definitely one to avoid as it contains an enzyme that is fatal to worms- indeed, doctors often recommend consuming pineapple as a tapeworm cure!

Forget to Mix the Soil

Worms need oxygen, so remember to get in there and give your wormery a bit of mixing up every now and again.

This will also help to stop the soil compacting into inhospitable clumps.

Steve Waller writes on a number of environmental topics on his blog, all based from his personal experiences, from problems with wormeries to eating a low carbon diet.

26 thoughts on “Some Dos and Don’ts of Worm Farming

  1. Pingback: Scopri come utilizzare il caffè macinato nelle tue piante e sfrutta tutti i suoi benefici

  2. No paper products for my wormies! I know they are wood fibers, but the chemical composition of the processed paper, along with the inks used are enough for me to avoid using any paper in my worm bins.
    I use fall leaves from the yard instead. They are natural and are perfect for keeping the smell down as well as soaking up any excess water from veggie waste.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Worms actually break down heavy metals and chemicals in water waste plants and can do the same with paper. They are pretty amazing little critters. Most inks are made from soy or other vegetable matter now days. In the USA it’s illegal for newspapers to use heavy metals in ink, even the shiny stuff is vegetable based and has a clay coating. That coating may slow down the breakdown so it’s bet avoided, but a little won’t hurt. I’ve used it last year and a main bedding just to test out. While it took twice as long it did break down and the casting test came back negative for metals. In fact it was identical to the castings from a bin with other paper based bedding.
      If citrus and pineapple are mixed with a large amount of other food waste and bedding they won’t have any issues. I give mine a lot of tomato skins and cut offs in fall without any problems, but again I mix that with some newspaper to absorb the extra moisture.
      Horse manure is amazing bedding as well but if used inside it’s important to pasteurize it first to kill any fly eggs. We had an outbreak of biting horse flies when I first used it without pasteurizing first. That was not fun and almost got the worms kicked out!


  3. Pingback: Mira cómo usar el café molido en tus plantas y aprovechar todos sus beneficios - Radio Caribe

  4. Pingback: Find out how to use ground coffee in your plants and take advantage of all its benefits » Health & Wellness 2023

  5. Pingback: Find out how to use ground coffee in your plants and take advantage of all its benefits | Health & Wellness

  6. Pingback: Mira cómo usar el café molido en tus plantas y usar todos sus beneficios

  7. Pingback: Veja como usar o café moído em suas plantas e aproveite todos os seus benefícios ^_^  cuidado e saúde

  8. Pingback: 4 Tips On How To Recycle Used Coffee Grounds In Your Garden | Backyard Garden

  9. Thank you for such a plain and simple DOS n DON’TS.
    I am always concerned about the health of my worm farm.
    I am now more relaxed and reasonably comfortable after reading your in depth explanations.


  10. Pingback: Darebin ‘Café to Garden’ Program diverts coffee grounds from landfill – Darebin Food Harvest Network

  11. 40 plus years ago we lived out in the country. My folks bought two old claw footed bath tubs and we buried them in the ground up to the curl of the sides. We covered the holes and filled each tub with a mixture of sawdust, peat moss and potting soil. My father ordered a few thousand English red worms which we split between each tub. We placed an old sheet of tin across the top secured by a cement block to prevent rain from drowning the worms. We fed them a healthy sprinkling of bone meal each week. After a year, the tubs were teeming with worms and eggs. We bought some bait boxes and went into the worm business. We filled an old snuff can with worms for each bait box. Inside each bait box was a handful of wet peat moss wrung out by squeezing. People used to stop by the house every Friday- Sunday to buy our worms. Those unsold were returned to the main tubs. We did that for many years. It allowed us the money to buy our first console color TV when they came out. The only real issue was you had to be careful whenever you flipped the tin off the tubs as sometimes there would be a copperhead snake underneath enjoying the warmth. Really enjoyed raising those worms. We fed a few to our chickens as well as a treat on occasion. Ah the good old days…


  12. Help, my worm farm has been infiltrated by pincher bugs. They are really bad this year and there are nests with larve in the worm farm. how do I get rid of the pincher bugs without harming the worms? I heard diatomaceous earth will kill the pincher bugs but not the worms? Another site said the opposite? what can I do, does Anyone have a solution? I need to know what to do before fall comes so I don’t bring these critters into my basement in the winter.


      • Thanks, I was waiting till cooler weather to do just this. My basement is at 60 degrees and the larve aren’t turning into full grown ones, I guess because it isn’t warm enough for them? But I figured this is the only way to take care of them….Thank you for your suggestion. It reinforced what I thought I may have to do…


  13. Pingback: A worm in the Hand… | Coffee Grounds to Ground

  14. Pingback: Worm Farming with Coffee Grounds – Video | Coffee Grounds to Ground

  15. I also keep a worm farm. I have kept one for years both at home and in my classroom. I use a large rubbermaid container and keep the lid on it. Solves the sunlight problem and I frequently have so many worms that I split them up to start friends with their own farms. One thing I have learned is that they love shredded paper but any paper with colored ink will make them ill, make sure to only use paper with black ink.


    • A large container is a great idea and something I am trying now for myself. Can’t say I have used shredded paper that often but will give it a go along with all the coffee grounds thrown in there. Normally use cardboard but will try the paper…


  16. I’m wondering–how do you keep a more or less stable population of worms on a farm? What is the lifetime of an individual worm? What happens when a worm dies? (I’m not currently doing this, obviously, but am interested.) Thnx


  17. hi I am feeding on almost 100% coffee grounds. I sift them first and what I find is when they are finished they simply fall though to the drip tray. I dont get any liquid with this system as if you do your research this worm wee (lechtate) may actually be doing your plants harm

    Liked by 1 person

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