Garden and Nature in Words

Silent Lodger

You figured it out
the first time you guessed it was the kids
they play in the carport all the time
near that switch
and the second time
you thought it must have been the wife
leaving it on when she was hanging the washing
who else could it have been with the kids in bed
but the third time
the light was off before you had that shower
and you stood in that carport
in the darkness
everything so still and quiet
daring for me to emerge
I thought you would hear my breathing
standing so close to you
but you went back inside
locking that glass door behind you
and when you came back to it
a towel wrapped around your waist
beads of water running down your legs
that smooth glow of the fluorescent tube
was lighting up the carport
and then you saw them
those workman boots
that you had left carelessly near the wall
just below the switch
I don’t like those boots there
it reminds me of something bad
something that happened to me
and you moved them to the shed
switched off the light
standing in the silence
the hairs on your neck standing up
waiting for me to appear
and if you do it again
I will show you all of me
but in the meantime
I’ll sit here next to you
watching you sit at this screen
like I do

Some seasons later…

I’ve been patient for some time now
but the noise from that hair dryer
it reminds me of something bad
something that happened to me
your wife uses it all the time
drying her hair in the bathroom alone
with those galvanized pipes
exposed up the wall
all rusted up inside
and brittle
she’ll figure it out


17 thoughts on “Silent Lodger

  1. yeah jingle i thought that was a great line too…. it makes me start to wonder if there’s one sitting next to me getting ready to speak his presence… hi shane, now when i hafta go out to the garage that has no electricity i shall stand still and listen till the hairs on the back of my neck stand up… which doesn’t take very much… dripping gray

    Wow I hope you have a torch handy mate, the damn thing could be anywhere!! SG.


  2. Shane,
    An intriguing piece and you should do a follow-up. Excellent.

    Thank you Pamela, really great to read your comment – SG.


  3. This is a fascinating piece, full of intrigue and imagination. I loved “hairs on your neck standing up.”

    Thank you, I know about the hairs thing because that how it happened to me! SG


  4. More, please. This is better than all the ghoulies and ghostie of the Bigtent prompt! (sorry Bigtent)

    I’m always looking to write about things like this so I would expect plenty more in the future – SG.


  5. Wonderful read. Great build up and story line. And I agree with the other commentor that you could do some follow up pieces, as well. Bravo,


    Thank you Elizabeth – I will do more of them! SG


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