Ground to Ground

Collecting Coffee Grounds at work

Thank you to a highly skilled photographer, we have capture the elusive suited Genziuk in his natural habitat.

man in office drinking coffee

Holding meetings in the communal cafe has taken on a whole new level of satisfaction since starting to collect all the grounds that are coming out of those machines. Every time one of those buttons gets pressed (latte, cappuccino, flat white, espresso et al), its just more of some of the finest natural fertiliser coming my way.  So drink up, its good for yah! 😉

And for anyone with an automatic coffee machine at the office that wants to start doing what I’m doing (trust me it’s easy), let me know if I can do anything to help.

ps – Ross is a good photo taker!!

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6 thoughts on “Collecting Coffee Grounds at work

  1. Pingback: Collecting Coffee Grounds | Sane but different

  2. Shane,

    Great idea, my girls used to have an arrangement with the local coffee store when they had composting worms! (they thought they were pets and I didn’t bother disabusing them of the notion) , provided a lined trash box and picked up weekly. We also collected the T bags from the iced Tea machines (hey I’m a Brit, Tea is my thing).

    & Eggshells are great, if anyone has them these days!

    PS. The Genziuk looks great in its business plumage 🙂

    Laine D.


    • You bet Christian, it is a great source of grounds. Many stressed out office workers tend to drink lots of coffee!
      It is also seen as a proactive, positive step amongst peers and management, which never hurts.


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