A Forest Garden - Record of Progress

The Fig Tree Vending Machine

Hungry? Just grab it!

You see how it works, just like a vending machine. Sure it’s only working a few weeks a year, but nature doesn’t work on our timetable. She does it when ever she bloody well wants!

fig tree fruit

Here are some handy instructions to follow:
1. Approach tree with ripe fruit
2. Pick off the fruit you want to eat
3. Discard any feelings of guilt for not having inserted notes or coins – our fruit vending machine is free
4. Eat fruit
5. Repeat step 4 until:
A. You run out of ripe fruit
B. You eat yourself sick
C. Birds start pecking at your head to show you who the boss really is
D: You have more than one fruit vending machine running at the same time, which means you need to start all over at step one – you poor thing!!

fig tree fruit vending


Now how it works good is if you get yourself a whole heap of fruit tree vending machines, and chances are at least one of them will be ‘working’ at any one time. You get it!

4 thoughts on “The Fig Tree Vending Machine

  1. I love fig. It is amazing to get up and go to the end of your garden and pick a figs. As you say, if you don’t eat them when they are ripe you will only see the skin left next time. Birds are brilliant at knowing which one is ripe. Nice blog with plenty useful tips. Thanks.


    • Why thank you for writing TC. Figs are a glorious tree to grow in the garden, but yes those bloody birds know exactly when to get which fruit, and somehow only JUST before I get to them!


  2. I have planted out “fruit tree alley” with a couple of small trees which will be espalliered, and a passionfruit vine on the fence, along with strawberry pots. It sure will be nice when my vending machine starts producing.


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