Sustainable Living

The First Tomato

There is no better sign of a plant’s health as when that first fruit appears.

In the case of my tomato vines, those little green fruit balls are emerging from dried yellow flowers.

this tomato is still green

Not entirely sure what kind of tomatoes are in these shots, and will find out soon enough. I’ve planted out some cherry and sweet mid-sized varieties, and one of them is a Diggers Big Red.

There are 6 tomato plants growing in the garden this year, as I’m freeing up plenty of room for the cucumber, pumpkin, and watermelon plants.

Apart from the weekly pruning there is not a great deal to do besides keeping the soil in good shape. Also the first year that I am companion planting tomato and basil.

Ain’t it just beautiful?

full view of the vine in flower

What tomato varieties are you going this season?

10 thoughts on “The First Tomato

  1. Pingback: Growing An Upside Down Tomato Garden | AbodeToday

  2. Ohhhh, I just took the last of my tomatoes here in the USA and squished out the seeds on a paper towel to save them for next season. I am so envious of you that your tomato season is coming quickly. Enjoy them. Have you ever tried bruscheta? Toasted french bread, scrape some fresh garlic on it, then the best Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Some of those awesome tomatoes and maybe a little salt and pepper to taste. Ummmm, um.


    • Well Steve, I do love bruscheta and will eat it as often as I am in an Italian cafe (regularly). How about I make some with this batch of home grown tomatoes and add them to this post! Thanks for stopping by mate, and hope to see you back again soon.


  3. I’m giving the tomatoes a crack this year too. Cable ties, I discover are a good way to tie them. I’ve added a crossbar betweet the stakes and will probably have to add another stake to either end as they grow outward more. Hope the fruitflies don’t find them. 😉


  4. It’s beautiful, Shane. I know just how you feel. I always look at the tomatoes at this time of the year when they are full of potential and promise and then at the end of the season when they are old and all over the place having worn themselves out with all their producing. Such a lovely time of the year


    • It sure is Jo, thanks for leaving your thoughts. It is just at the point where a good spell of heat will ripen up about a dozen of them. Can’t wait to start eating quality home grown tomatoes again.


  5. Pingback: Fresh Cucumber » The First Tomato | Coffee Grounds to Ground

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