Coffee Grounds in the garden

Coffee Grounds for Lawns on Sustainablog

I’ve recently had an article posted on the environmentally focused blog – sustainablog. The article looks at how used coffee grounds can be applied to your lawn as a nitrogen based fertilizer.

coffee grounds can be applied to lawn as a fertilizer

So check out the article and give coffee grounds a try on the lawn when you  get the chance. Any cafe should be able to help you out.

And finally, let me thank Brian Toomey at Sustainablog for syndicating my content. He is is a sustainable business consultant with and Kranichs Jewellers.


2 thoughts on “Coffee Grounds for Lawns on Sustainablog

  1. Great posting. Have been using spent grinds on my lawn for ages and the grass loves it. Don’t put too much on too thick. Anyway no coffee grounds at the tip is smart. XX – Inga.


  2. Pingback: How to Grow Amazing Roses with Coffee Grounds on Sustainablog | Coffee Grounds to Ground

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