The Coffee Grounders

Cafes Recycling Coffee Grounds – Nashi

Collecting Coffee Grounds from Cafes

This post is dedicated to the Nashi coffee shop located in Goldsbrough Lane, Melbourne. Nashi are one of the cafes involved in the Ground to Ground initiative, which aims to make better use of spent coffee grounds.

It is a real pleasure to get a positive reaction from cafes when talking about collecting their coffee grounds for recycling. With the guys from Nashi, it was as simple as going through the Ground to Ground brochure and they were in, end of story.

Every couple of days, the good people at Nashi supply us with a large bag of used coffee grounds, so much in fact it needs to be double or triple bagged.

The pictures below are from the Nashi store, and the Ground to Ground logo is in a great position, letting all their customers know that doing something to reduce their contribution to landfill is important to them.

Coffee machine at the Nashi coffee shop

Ginger and Hannah are at the machine getting ready to get those coffees out to customers. As a side benefit, they are helping to reduce landfill by giving out the spent coffee grounds.

The good people at Nashi are helping out with Ground to Ground

Smiles all round – thank you guys from all of us at Ground to Ground.

The guys from Nashi are great to be around and help us out with spent coffee grounds

If you happen to be at Nashi and see Ginger or Hannah, please let them know how you feel about them helping out in this way. Hopefully you too can see how this is making a difference for our gardens and general environment.

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3 thoughts on “Cafes Recycling Coffee Grounds – Nashi

  1. Pingback: Beka P

    • All good Beka, they are one of my favourite cafes also 🙂
      We have been collecting used coffee grounds from these guys for about 6 months, and they are supplying us with a great heap of it each week.


  2. Pingback: Cafe Recycling Coffee Grounds – Jamaica Blue | Coffee Grounds to Ground

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