Ground to Ground

Coffee Grounds Good for Compost and Google!

Ground Coffee at Google

It had to happen you know, that there was enough Ground to Ground material on the blog that this could go to a wider audience. There is a great deal of appeal for making use of coffee grounds for compost and the garden, and based on the number of hits I have been getting from the ad, it must be true.

Well, so true that the money I put into it ran out, so I have the picture below that shows Ground to Ground in all its Coffee Grounds glory. When the budget allows for it I’m going to start to off again.

In this example a search for ‘Coffee Grounds in Soil’ generated the ad for Ground to Ground.

Coffee grounds appearing on google for ground to ground

So friends, now is a good time to let you know that I’m upgrading the site to be a site in its own right, and not just a re-direct to the blog here. Will share it all with you shortly.

If you have not yet had the chance to browse through the collection of articles for Ground to Ground, there is a growing body of information that I hope you find interesting. Thanks all, and bye for now.

Logotipo de café

Logotipo de café

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