Coffee Grounds in the garden

Garden gym

I did a good deal of lifting on the weekend. First off, I found a place in Lysterfield with a herd of horses that, I think, make a lot of crap. So much of it that I was able to buy 30-40 kilo sacks of it for $2 a piece. About 300 kilos of it ended up in the back of the car, and I only stopped when the wife started to worry about the front of the car lifting off the ground.

So 300 kilos in, then 300 kilos out, and all over plot number 1. Will leave it all to break down over the next 6 weeks or so, dig it in for another couple of weeks, then get the seedlings in there.

Not content to leave the gym of life there and get back to the plasma, I came across 100 kilos of lettuce leaves being thrown out by the local supermarket. Every day this one fairly small suburban  supermarket throws away 6 full boxes of the stuff, and that is a real pity because it is perfect in the compost bin, where it quickly breaks down to provide a high water package for the rest of the stack.

It would be a wonderful thing if the tonnes of good organic material being sent to landfill each day from the millions of businesses such as this one, took some time to think about their collective actions. At least I can say that this 100 kilos is going back to the soil.

I’ll keep going at that rate for a little while, and if you want to discover the wonder of being able to create your own soil, go to your local supermarket and ask the closest 16 year old, “Where do you keep your lettuce leaves?”

And then the 16 year old says “Huh? What’s a lettuce?’

3 thoughts on “Garden gym

  1. Any opportunity to get out into the garden is a good one, especially when you are saving those coffee grounds from going to landfill. Keep up the good work!


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