Coffee Grounds in the garden

The Top 5 Uses for Spent Coffee Grounds on Make the List

I’ve recently had an article posted on an interesting website that makes a list of everything!  – Make the list. The article looks at the top 5 uses for spent coffee grounds in the garden, which is as a fertilizer, for composting, as a natural pest repellent, an earthworm attractor, and as a general soil amendment.

post on top 5 uses for spent coffee grounds

So check out the article and give coffee grounds a try for any one of these productive gardening activities.

5 thoughts on “The Top 5 Uses for Spent Coffee Grounds on Make the List

  1. Pingback: Compost with Worms and Coffee Grounds | Coffee Grounds to Ground

  2. Pingback: 6 Spent Coffee Sites

  3. Pingback: Emily Q

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