Garden and Nature in Words

I am inventor?!

I think it came as a shock, because I have not given it much thought until now. Maybe it was due to a focus on personal expression (hence the growing collection of stories), or involvement with Ground to Ground. Either way, it has just sunk in that I’m a certified patent holder, hopefully the first of many.

The patent titled ‘An improved wrapping and card assembly’ came from a problem – too many kids parties!

It always seemed to be the case that of the 2 or 3 parties we were going to every weekend, we would forget the card, loose the card, forget the wrapping paper, pay too much for both, or all of the above.

Then there were the times when the card would be stuck on the gift with 3 year old sticky tape and fall off as soon as we left it on the gift table. That may have been a good thing actually given the crap presents we normally buy, but to be fair we received lots of nice presents where the card had gone missing, and never knew who to thank for thing.

Hence the birth of ‘WrapnWrite’. It turns out that in most cases you need to have a present wrapped and with a card of some type, and yet they are sold as two separate products, but not for long. Why are they always sold as two seperate things, what if you combined them??

Like all things, getting this to market is going slower than I would have liked, and it could well be a case of having too many things going at one time. We have demos out there with card manufacturers, and I know that it is going to get out there sooner or later. Maybe I’ll sell the IP and be done with it, but in the meantime I’ll start allocating more time on this one, because it is a winner idea and deserves to be tested by the good consumers of the world.

If you want to read through the actual patent document, you can find it here.

And of course, if you want to talk about licencing or otherwise, am always happy to talk. Even if you have a totally different problem you are looking for someone to consult with, let me know.

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